Des Linden x Boston Marathon
With the first Boston Marathon only a few months away, our team was tasked with creating an engaging campaign featuring 2018 Boston Marathon winner Des Linden. Brooks also wanted to show runners that they supported them all the way to the marathon and beyond. Our team then cooked up a concept to surprise four runners training for the Boston Marathon and give them the support they needed with Des herself.
Pulling off these surprises was not easy. I facilitated casting for our team. We had specific questions designed to ensure we knew runners were fans of Des without them getting too suspicious of our plans. The results of these surprises were incredible to experience. Watch the full video to see the fun that ensues!
The most rewarding part of this project was seeing the genuine surprise and delight of the runners training for the Boston Marathon at meeting Des. Second to that was hearing from Des that this was one of the best productions experiences she’d ever had.
This video was Directed by Paul Iannacchino and created in partnership with Unicorns & Unicorns.
Teaser Edit
The teaser accompanying this edit was shared on Brooks social channels in anticipation of the video’s release.
Campaign Photography
The launch of this campaign also coincided with special announcement of Des Linden as Brooks Chief Running Officer. The photos captured during the video shoot were used to promote that exciting partnership in addition to our Brooks campaign.
All photos captured by the amazing collaborator and photographer Gavin Doremus.